
Archaeological Researcher: Kingdom is Homeland Rich in Diverse Historical Writings

Dr. Suleiman Al-Theeb, a historian specializing in archaeological discoveries, stated that the Arabian Peninsula, particularly Saudi Arabia, is one of the richest regions in ancient and diverse inscriptions, such as Aramaic, Nabatean in Al-Hijr, and Lihyanite.

تعرف على "الأخدود" في نجران.. تاريخ مدفون منذ 2000 عام

He added that northern Saudi Arabia is notable for the availability of Safaitic inscriptions, Dadanitic inscriptions in AlUla, Hasaitic, Sabaean, Ma’inic inscriptions linked to the Ma’in tribe, Palmyrene inscriptions in northern Arabia, as well as Greek and Latin scripts, and cuneiform writings in Tayma, alongside Thamudic inscriptions in the Ha’il region.

نجران الاخدود

Al-Theeb also mentioned in statements to Al-Arabiya that the oldest discovery of Arabic inscriptions was found in a region of Palestine, specifically the city of Lachish. It was a Thamudic inscription dating back to 1300 BC. Initially, it was believed to be Phoenician, dating back to 1509 BC, but it was later determined to combine the Musnad script with Thamudic letters.

ما هي قصة اصحاب الاخدود ؟ - خليج 24

It is worth noting that Saudi Arabia is enhancing its focus on the art of Arabic calligraphy, alongside reviving national heritage reflected in the rock arts and inscriptions on the Kingdom’s rocks and mountains, representing an open invitation to explore the written inscriptions and discover rock art scattered across Saudi Arabia.

موقع الأخدود الأثري بنجران يروي أعظم القصص التاريخية

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