The lifestyle conference Hia Hub in Riyadh has held a special session for the Egyptian actress Yasmine Sabri in which she talked more about her life and thoughts.
According to Arab News, the conference offered a valuable platform for Sabri to share lesser-known insights about her personal journey and opinions on self-appreciation.
The actress, who is a global brand ambassador for French label Cartier, has expressed her highest commendation for Saudi women. “They embody a spirit of determination that inspires me,” Sabri reflected.

She indicated that Swimming was her favorite hoppy until the age of 18. “Swimming taught me discipline. I used to swim before school and after at night, and we didn’t have the option to say, ‘I don’t want to,’” the 36-year-old actress explained. In practicing this sport, Sabri not only shaped her physical abilities, but also adopted an unwavering work ethic from which she leverages in her acting journey.

Moreover, Sabri delved into the mental fortitude highlighting it as a key topic in her talk. In the light of this, she stressed the significance of competing with oneself. “I’m grateful and I always compete with myself on a daily basis. One should always stay hungry and be competitive with oneself,” she said.
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