Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin” because the body absorbs it as a result of exposure to sunlight, which is its natural source. Being exposed to sunlight for just 10 to 15 minutes each day can help boost the body’s vitamin D levels.
Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining strong bones, strengthening the immune system, as well as the nerves and muscles. Despite its importance, many people suffer from its deficiency.
There are factors such as skin color, geography, and the use of sunscreen that can affect the amount of vitamin D your body obtains from the sun. Consuming foods rich in the vitamin may help increase its levels when sun exposure is not an available option.
Although sunlight is a great source of vitamin D, too much exposure can pose health risks, including premature aging and a higher likelihood of skin cancer.
The website “Verywell Health” offers tips for obtaining vitamin D from the sun safely:
Timing : Sun exposure should be between 10 to 15 minutes during peak UV hours, typically between 11 AM and 3 PM. You may need to be exposed to sunlight for 20 to 30 minutes on a cloudy day.
Sunscreen: Apply a sunscreen to protect your skin from sunburn.
UV index: Check the local UV index daily to determine the safest times for sun exposure.
Duration of exposure: The more the skin is exposed to sunlight, the more the body produces “vitamin D,” but only up to a certain point. Prolonged outdoor exposure or excessive sun exposure increases the risk of sunburn.
Dietary supplements: If you have concerns about getting enough vitamin D from sunlight due to geographical location or health concerns, talk to your doctor about vitamin D supplements or ways to get more vitamin D through your diet.
Why Might Skin Color Affect Production of vitamin D?
Your skin color affects the amount of ‘vitamin D’ your body produces from sun exposure; people with darker skin may need to spend longer periods in the sun to produce the same amount of ‘vitamin D’ that people with lighter skin get.
What factors prevent you from obtaining ‘Vitamin D’ from sunlight?
In addition to geographic location and skin color, some other factors can prevent you from getting ‘Vitamin D’ from the sun or hinder your body’s ability to convert ultraviolet rays into ‘Vitamin D’. These include:”
Limited Sun Exposure: Spending minimal time outdoors, especially during peak hours when ultraviolet (UV) rays are at their highest (from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.), reduces the production of “Vitamin D” in the body.
Wearing Clothing That Covers Most of Your Skin: This can also limit the penetration of UV rays.
Using Sunscreen: Although sunscreen is important for protecting against UV rays, it can also block UV rays from reaching the skin.
Air Pollution: Pollutants in the air can absorb and scatter ultraviolet rays. It limits the body’s ability to produce “Vitamin D.”
Age: The body produces “Vitamin D” less efficiently as we age, and older adults have higher rates of Vitamin D deficiency compared to other age groups.
Obesity: People with obesity are at increased risk of Vitamin D deficiency.
Research indicates that excess body fat may impair vitamin D and reduce its production.
Medical conditions: Since the kidneys and liver are essential for producing vitamin D, individuals with kidney and liver diseases are at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency.
Medications: Certain medications can reduce the body’s production of vitamin D.
What are other ways to get vitamin D?
Although sunlight is a natural and effective way to boost vitamin D levels, it is not always available or practical.
There are other ways to increase vitamin D levels, including:
Diet: Consuming foods rich in vitamin D, such as fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, and sardines), eggs, can help increase vitamin D levels. Additionally, milk, cereals, and orange juice can also be relied upon.
Supplements: Taking vitamin D supplements is an easy method, but it’s important to know the appropriate dosage from a doctor.
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