
Taif Offers Haven from Summer Heat with Strawberry Picking

Located in Taif, Al-Hada farm offers a perfect haven away from scrooching summer and hustle of the modern life in cities.

The farm immerses visitors into the magical beauty of nature with charming farms and wildlife animals. It is situated in the heart of the rugged mountains of Al-Hada, and it is open all year round.

Taif Offers Haven from Summer Heat with Strawberry Picking
Al-Hada Farm

Visitors have several exceptional experiences to do there, such as picking fresh berries and feeding wildlife such as ducks, geese and parrots while enjoying the soothing sound of a nearby waterfall.

Taif Offers Haven from Summer Heat with Strawberry Picking
Al-Hada Farm

The whole area is like a hidden paradise fully surrounded by exquisite blossoming garden for flowers and birds with a shimmering lake for ducks and turtles. It also features a modest cottage, comfortable seating areas, and shops selling ice cream, strawberry juice, and hot drinks.

Taif Offers Haven from Summer Heat with Strawberry Picking
Al-Hada Farm

The farm’s founder, Turki Al-Ahmadi, said that the farm was perfectly designed in a way that captures local and global visitors after harvest season from April to June. Al-Ahmadi wanted to add certain pieces of information about trees beside the farm’s various funny activities.

Taif Offers Haven from Summer Heat with Strawberry Picking
Al-Hada Farm

Therefore, the farm showcases models of trees including pomegranate, fig, tangerine, quince, apple and mulberry, supported by information about their habitat, method of irrigation, places of cultivation, and other key details about their lifespan.

Taif Offers Haven from Summer Heat with Strawberry Picking
Al-Hada Farm

“We were told by many relatives who visited the strawberry farm in Al-Hada that their trip to Taif governorate would not be complete if they did not go for a strawberry-picking activity,” said Hamid Al- Subhi, one of the visitors.

Taif Offers Haven from Summer Heat with Strawberry Picking
Al-Hada Farm


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