
Simple Tips to Have a Restful Sleep during Hot Weather

2024 is the hottest year ever recorded with scorching summer making it hard to get a comfortable sleep at night due to high temperature.

People became familiar with a repetitive scenario: it is night, you are sleep deprived, you are uselessly turning in bed without any desire for sleeping.

Sleep deprivation has negative impacts in your health and daily productivity. It affects your memory and undermines your ability to focus.

Here are some tips to help you get a restful night’s sleep during high temperatures.

Avoid Napping

Simple Tips to Have a Restful Sleep during Hot Weather

It is factual that high temperature can make us a little bit lazy during the day.

This is because we are using more energy to regulate our internal temperature.

Therefore, if you are suffering from sleep disruption at night, try not to take naps and save them for bedtime.

Keep Your Bedroom Cooler

Simple Tips to Have a Restful Sleep during Hot Weather

It is recommended to close windows and draw curtains to keep hot air out.

You can use a fan to improve airflow during hot summer nights.

Furthermore, you can place ice behind the fan to enjoy some cooler airflow.

Use Cotton Clothes and Cooling Pillows

Simple Tips to Have a Restful Sleep during Hot Weather

Clothes made of good fabrics like cotton and linen can cool your body during sleep.

Cooling pillows can also lower the temperature and absorb body heat.

Be noted that placing an ice pack under your pillow is not a good option to go for. Instead, you can put it on your bedside table to use if needed.

Take a Warm Bath

Simple Tips to Have a Restful Sleep during Hot Weather

It sounds funny and does not make any sense to take a warm shower in a hot night.

However, a warm path can perfectly cool you down before bedtime.

Remember to take it prior to your bedtime but not immediately before it.

Do not worry as your body temperature will reduce after leaving the bathroom because the body naturally adapts to the cooler environment.

Stay Hydrated

Simple Tips to Have a Restful Sleep during Hot Weather

Try to drink enough water throughout the day, but do not do that before bedtime.

This will decrease the possibility to wake up thirsty or go to the bathroom.

Stay Calm

Simple Tips to Have a Restful Sleep during Hot Weather

It is a little bit annoying when you are so exhausted and want to have a deep sleep, but your body is not helping you and you end up staying awake.

In these nights, try to get up and do something calming, like reading or writing.

Be sure not to give up and play on your phone or video games as the blue light makes us feel less sleepy and fuel our activity.


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