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DIY Bathroom Cleaner with 6 Natural Ingredients

According to the 2016 annual report from the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System (AAPCC), household bathroom cleaning products were the second most common cause of human poisonings, especially in children under 5 years old.

You may be wondering, what’s the best natural bathroom cleaner? While there are some natural products on the market, the best way to know what ingredients are in your cleaning products is to make them yourself.

Let’s create a bathroom cleaner that works on everything, from countertops and floors to toilets and soap scum in the bathtub.


  • 3/4 cup baking soda
  • 1/2 cup liquid Castile soap
  • ⅛ cup sea salt
  • 25 drops tea tree essential oil
  • 10 drops lemon essential oil
  • 10 drops orange essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

Ingredient Properties:

  • Tea tree oil: According to a study conducted by the North American Contact Dermatitis Group, tea tree oil has shown positive results for users. It’s used in everything from cosmetics to household products.
  • Baking soda: It can clean almost anything from silverware to pots and pans, and it will leave your bathroom sparkling clean.
  • Sea salt: It adds texture that gives the cleaner optimal cleaning benefits, helping to remove stubborn grime like soap scum.
  • Vinegar: Vinegar helps kill germs due to its antibacterial properties.
  • Lemon essential oil: Lemon essential oil is a great ingredient in homemade bathroom cleaner. It’s known for its detoxifying properties, and its natural disinfecting qualities make it a fantastic choice for bathroom cleaning.
  • Orange essential oil: Orange essential oil is a perfect cleaning ingredient, as it is also great at killing germs.


In a medium bowl, combine the baking soda and liquid soap. Baking soda is 100% sodium bicarbonate, so there may be some fizzing when you mix it with certain ingredients. Add the sea salt and vinegar. There will be some fizzing when the vinegar comes in contact with the baking soda. Don’t worry, it will stop within seconds. Mix the essential oils thoroughly. Tea tree oil is amazing for a variety of things, but adding it to your homemade bathroom cleaner works wonders in keeping your bathroom germ-free.

After mixing all the ingredients together, pour the mixture into a clean, airtight container, ensuring it’s BPA-free.


Pour a small amount of the prepared cleaning solution onto a sponge or cloth, and wipe surfaces clean. For difficult surfaces, apply a thin layer, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wipe it away.

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